Bra Saviours began as an idea for saving a favorite bra instead of throwing in the trash after the underwire began poking out. Who really enjoys shopping for bras? No, thanks.
Engineers were consulted, a product was designed, and the prototype was tested with flying colors. Well okay, the clips are clear, not colored. And there was no flying (a good quality in a bra). Ladies, you are going to LOVE saving your bras!
How can I keep the underwire from coming out of my bra?
The revolutionary patented Bra Saviours clips slide over the sides and front of your bra where the underwire begins and ends. One clip will slide over the side of the bra, under the armpit where the underwire frequently pokes out. The clip will also slide over the underwire ends that meet in the front/middle of the bra. The clips keep the underwires of the bra from coming in contact with your skin, relieving pressure and saving your from discomfort, irritation and breakdown of the skin.
Can I wash my Bra Saviours clips?
Yes, once you have them in place, you can leave them on the bra when it is laundered.
Can I run/exercise with a Bra Saviours clip?
If your exercise bra has underwire, then it's definitely recommended. The underwire is more likely to work its way through the fabric and poke you when you are highly active.
Is there a patent for the Bra Saviours clip?
Oh yeah, definitely! Our test marketing showed that this will be a bit hit!
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